"I have wept in the night, for the shortness of sight, that to someone's need made me blind.
But I never have yet, felt a tinge of regret, for being a little too kind."

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sunsets and Warm Apple Pie

I got to experience two wonderful things today. A beautiful sunset and homemade fresh apple pie that my mom and I made for dessert. I really have nothing more to say at the moment. So here are some pictures to make you all jealous. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Aren't weekends for sleeping in??...apparently some people dont remember that..

May I just say that this weekend was a blast!? Pretty much loved it! :) Ky and I drove up to Bountiful late Saturday night after a huge fiasco with my car and other things...We got there around 11 or so and drove up to the temple while we were waiting for Becs and Daniel. It was my very first time seeing that temple...Wow..it is beautiful. Here is a pic. Not the best but oh well!

Oh and on our way up to the temple we almost hit a deer...it was just meandering down the middle of the road in Bountiful, Utah...crazy animal. Doesn't it know that it is supposed to stay out in the wild, untamed, sagebrush covered land?? Also, in case anyone was wondering, there are signs that direct you to the LDS Temple. Ky and I were joking about there being signs to direct us cause neither of us knew which route to take to get to it and lo and belhold we drive up a road and see a sign directing us to the LDS temple. We laughed pretty hard.

So I have now crashed at Daniel and Becs house three times...its nice to know that I have such good friends who are willing to put up with me! :) We all headed out quite late to get milk for the next day. Funnest part you ask? Becs driving her car through the piles of leaves on the road, spreading them all out again. :)

I dedicate parts of the song "So Long, Farewell "  toJoe Day!! I can't dedicate it all cause we are not just saying goodnight to him, we are saying good bye for 2 years!! Mission time has arrived for him and he is going to be an Amazing missionary. I hope the people of Argentina are ready cause they are not going to know what hit them when he arrives.

When I embarked upon this trip I was thinking how wonderful it was going to be to get to sleep in! Cause I dont usually get to at home. Did that happen? oh no..nope...one wonderful morning we got up and 4 in the a.m. to drive down to Salt Lake from Logan to have breakfast with some more wonderous friends. Was it worth it? umm..helllo...TOTALLY! :) Even though I didnt get to sleep in I loved every moment of it.

Becs, I just want to say THANK YOU!! Basically I love coming and visiting you. You are one of the Best persons that I know and I am so so grateful that we are friends. You literally always make my day when I get to talk to you. Thanks for putting up with all my questions and break downs and helping me to understand things better. Pretty much I just love you a lot. For fun i am inserting a pic of you and me. We should do this again....but we can leave the JL part out of it and just go to that long hole in the ground also know as the Grand Canyon.

Also, this post is long...weird I dont usually do this. McCall you may be rubbing off on me.

One last thing. I am so glad to be sleeping in my bed again! The only problem with holidays and lots of Family...the married siblings get the rooms so I get kicked out to the curb!....well..couch. :) its tots worth it though to get to see everyone.

ok so I lied...one more thing. I LOVE LIFE!

Ok, I'm done.

Crazy Family + Tons of AMAZING Food = Thanksgiving Time!

So basically Thanksgiving was wonderful. :) I dont think that I can explain it any better then that. I Love my family with every fiber of my being. They are all Amazing. Pretty much I think that I have the most adorable nieces and nephews ever..I am going to put on some pictures that I took this weekend. adorable is the word that is going to come to every one of your minds! I just know it! :) It was relatively laid back, considering we had over 30 people in our home for 4 days. Unless you count the many hours cleaning...and organizing..and hours upon hours of cooking. Even then, thats pretty normal for my family...much of our time consists of cleaning, preparing a meal, eating and talking and then starting the whole process over again. Pretty neat little cycle we have don't you think? My favorite part of this holiday was playing with nieces and nephews and holding babies. I Love little kids. it is so fun to interact with them and see just how imaginitive and creative they are. I also love listening to them. While coloring with my nieces, one of them looked at my sisters coloring and declared, "That is the most beautifulist I ever saw!" I enjoy how kids put words together.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Adventures of The Stronghearted Shirly....Cause the weakhearted could never withstand them.

Holy Cow! life is crazily Wonderfully crazy. Did I mention that life is crazy?? Basically I Love my life even with all the craziness. :) I am so glad that I am alive and this very moment. I spent all of the last two days doing a TON of cleaning...the deep kind of cleaning, called spring cleaning...plus a bit of cooking. I love getting ready for the holidays!

Ever since I have been home since I decided that I needed to stay home from school I have been working on a project. That project is called, "Organize that scary, dark, disorganized place hiding many monsters" aka cleaning the basement. It has definitely been interesting to say the least. I decided to start in the corner that has scared me ever since I was a tiny little girl. I hated having to go to the basement to get a bottle of something for my mom. I was SO terrified that something was going to jump out and grab me, like a huge black widow that had miraculously grown to abnormal proportions and could eat me alive. So i decided to kick that fear in the teeth and get it over with. I started this back in Oct. I am proud to say that I have now finished that corner :) Yes I know it seems like it took a long time but if you could have seen it! wow...even you would be amazed at me. In my defense I did have to wait for shelves to be built and put in. While I was waiting for the shelves to be put in I went to the next scariest corner. I cleaned clear up into the corner, continually on the lookout for any mouse or spider that dared to show its face while I was around. You never know whats gonna happen! Finally I reached the very corner and just had to reach my hand back into the very corner to check for any mouse holes. So I reach towards the corner, dreading it more and more as I got closer and closer to that deep, dark corner. Than all of the sudden....my dear phone (that I had forgotten about) vibrated like crazy and scared me to death!! I jumped and smacked my head against a box, that was covered with cobwebs. I still feel like spiders are crawling on me. I literally shook for about half an hour and my heart nearly pounded itself out of my body. Daniel Feller if you ever scare me like that again, you will not be forgiven. I just know that you sent that text with the intent to scare me!

So far that is the extent of my adventures in that deep dark scary dungeon place, called a basement.

I really just want to say really fast that I am so grateful for my Family and Friends. I can always rely on them at anytime with anything. I am so grateful for your support, your laughter, your love. You all will never know just how much you mean to me. Thank you. I love you all.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I have always loved music, but today as I was getting ready for church it hit me again just how much music helps me. Listening to Hymns as I was getting ready changed my attitude so much. I go to a singles ward that is...well...kinda a little bit scary. There are a ton of guys that have been there forever, are in their thirties and love to hit on the much younger girls. All of the girls that already go there have already set up their little groups of friends. So basically I go and sit by myself unless I can get my brother to go with me. Than we sit through the torture together.  Anyways, I have been dreading going today cause Matt wasn't going to be able to go with me, but as I turned on and listened to the hymns I began to feel so much better and so grateful that I was getting the oppertunity to go to church and to learn more of the Gospel.

I am extremely grateful that I have the freedom of religion. That I get to go to church on Sunday and go to church related activities. To be able to have my very own Book of Mormon to read and study. To be able to pray every day, as many times as I need. To be able to go to the Temple. This Gospel is the most important thing in my life and I know with all my heart and soul that every aspect of it is true. I would be completely lost without it.

Funny what one little thing can inspire someone to think. I am grateful for the music this morning that helped me to re-realize how blessed I am.

Side-note: So my cousin Mike has began composing and recording his own music and he is Amazing. I just wanted to add this song of his...I like it. So if you want...listen to it! :) Its fun.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Little kids and their Wii's...

So the other day I was babysitting some cute little children and they have a wii in their home. The little boy begged me to play with him so we got on and started playing some sports. I managed to do all right for the most part til we got to tennis. Than this dear little 4 year old boy turns to me and says. "I am going to change to a different game so you can quit losing." hahaha I FREAKIN LOVE LITTLE KIDS and their blunt honesty. Why cant we learn from them and be more like a child? Especially since we are admonished to in the scriptures also?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well I am pretty sure that almost every aspect of my life has changed within these last few months. I now believe that I will be graduating with an associates from BYU-I, working for a year or so to earn money and than I am heading off to Culinary School! And what will I do for a year you may ask? As of right now I am hoping to find a nanny position in New York or Utah. Crazy I know....pretty much everything around me is going crazy right now! :) but crazy is fun so I dont mind.

Also, Fear chases away Faith. I have decided that lately I have been living to much in fear of what may happen or how something may work out instead of having total and complete faith at all times. It is so freakin' hard to not let the fear creep in and scare faith away. But I am going to do it! I am going to conquer fear!

Also, I was cleaning and organizing my room today and found that I owned over a thousand books...wow...

I think thats all for now...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Grocery Shopping, Wonderful People and Acts of kindness

Today I had the wonderful oppertunity to go grocery shopping. Aren't you all jealous? :) I have to say that I am not the biggest fan of any kind of shopping...but oh well, mom needed it done and I was driving through anyhow. So I had just pulled up to Red Apple and was on the phone with me mom and, so I parked, turned off the car, opened the door locked it and then got out and shut it. So I run into to Red Apple to get some wonderful eggs and bananas, blissfully unaware of what act of stupidity I had just committed. After purchasing the afore mentioned items, I sauntered out to the car.
As I walked out the doors of Red Apple, A lady ahead of me was walking and all of the sudden stopped to help an older lady finish putting her groceries in her car and than took the cart back to the store for the lady. I was impressed and so happy to see that this world is not all bad and that people do still take the time to help others out.

So with a smile on my face I continued on my way to my car and go to grab my keys from my pocket...but no keys were wanting to be found, so I searched my other pockets, and my purse, frantically trying to remember what I had done with them. Well I finally looked in my car and saw my keys, in the ignition, just waiting for me to grab them before I had exited the car, had I remembered?...nope. So now I had an arm load of groceries, a locked car and no clue as to how I was going to get my car unlocked. I called home, and told them of my dilema, but they were over 30 minutes away so they wouldn't be able to help, but they gave me suggestions as to what I could do. While I was talking to them, an older gentlemen heard me explaining my predicament, walked into the store, found a wire hanger and brought it out to me, Thankfully I had the window rolled down a little bit so that hanger fit in just perfectly and he proceeded to unlock my car for me.

It was so wonderful to be able to get into my car! I am so grateful for that gentleman and for his help. I am so grateful for anyone that stops and takes time to perform some little act of kindness for someone. These people are such good examples to me and I am so grateful for them.

Thank You unknown strangers for all you do!

Dark Kiss?? Say what??

Best Weekend EVER!  with Kylie Marks!! :) Basically I just want to say that I love Kylie and I am so grateful for her and all the time that she takes to listen and talk to me and laugh with me and help me. :) You are the best Ky!

Also she has the most adorable nephew, I got to play hide and seek with him a lot today.

p.s. Ummm....what exactly does a dark kiss smell like Ky?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Donuts, Dishes, Dancing and Naked Trees

This morning I had the wonderful opportunity of rising bright and early on this Saturday morning, (remember how the weekend used to be for sleeping in? Yeah...me too.) to go and help make donuts for the primary children who were practicing for their program that will be taking place tomorrow. I believe that this time we only had to make around 150 donuts..so no big deal. And according to the chilren.."We LOVE these donuts!" It was really cute, I love to see people enjoying food that I have helped to prepare.

After finishing with that I came home and started cleaning the house. While I was at the sink, washing dishes, staring of into space, I heard the door open and feet pound against the floor as my three year old niece, Addie, came in to show me how she was learning to jump! She was so excited. :) Than per her request I had to "watch Aunt Sheryl!" as she showed me her jumps and than began to show me some dance moves...looks like I need ot take some dancing lessons when my three year old niece can out dance me...As she was showing me her dancing she began to serenade me in her cute little voice, singing a song that only she knows, all the while adding in.. "and than you say this!, and then you do this, and jump like this." Basically one of the best parts of my day. :)

Once she got tired of singing and dancing she grabbed a stool and pushed it over by me to help me with the dishes. As we finished the dishes together she looked out the window at all the trees that we have surrounding our house that are losing their leaves and declared, "The trees are getting naked!" hahahaha I sincerely love little children, they make my life complete.

Oh, and p.s. I was watching a really cheesy movie as I was folding laundry...and just so you know how cheesy, it was an LDS love story movie, the cheesiest cheese you will ever find...and one of the quotes from the movie was, Woman: "So are you going to kiss me tonight?" Man: "No, its the Sabbath." Woman: "But its not fast sunday!" haha...told you, complete and utter Cheese! :) It was funny, I laughed.

Friday, November 11, 2011

When the best layed plans go awry....

What would happen if I changed my major again? Specially when I am almost basically a senoir? Or should i just get an associates in General Studies and then transfer somewhere else and major in Culinary Arts? Decisions, decisions, aren't they so fun!? If you answered that with a yes than I am afraid you are going a little bit crazy...or a lot a bit. The right answer is actually no..actuallly a resounding, whole-hearted NO! :)

I just want to add a little side note. I am so eternally grateful for a father who is a worthy priesthood holder. Being able to recieve Father's blessings from him has been one fo the best parts of my life. I am also extremely grateful for my patriarchal blessing and the light that it sheds on my life when i go and read it again and again. The Gospel in my life is what has shaped me to who I am today and has been the most constant and dependable source of comfort and guidence within my life.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friends :)

I am so thankful for friends. :) They make my life WONDERFUL! Basically thats all.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Criss Cross Applesauce!

Oh my goodness!!! Applesauce is quite sticky and takes forever to can! oh well..i survived, but just barely! It was quite boring because I was just sittin here at the house all by my lonesome cause everyone decided to leave me tonight...really quite sad actually. Anyhow what I am trying to get at right now is that I just made a boatload of freakin' applesauce. And one of my best friends here on this huge earth, Kylie, called me right just as I was needed someone to talk to. Never sit in a house by yourself, doing some tedious task and listen to deep, or sad, or thoughtful music. My thoughts were racin' round and round in my head making me very dizzy. And in the end thats all I was, just very dizzy because I couldn't figure anything out that I needed to. I was just very glad that Kylie called because she got my mind off of those thoughts and even let me vent to her about a certain thing in my life that has me extremely confused. Basically my life is wonderful and I honestly love it very much, even with all the crazy, confusing, and scary things that are coming up.

Hot Chocolate and Restaurant Plans

Hot Chocolate is the BEST DRINK EVER!!!  I just thought that I would let you all know that cause I am sure you had no clue. Anyways I just had a wonderful cup of heavenlyness. So today I was talking to McCall and she informed me that it is time for me to open my own restaurant. It is going to be dubbed...wait for it....wait for it....Sherry Berry's! Thanks McCall for the name, LOVE IT! :) And McCall is going to be there to help me manage and train everyone. She is good at that. Its kinda funny actually that she brought it up. I have to admit that one of my dreams has always been to open my own little shop...I don't know if I would want a big grand restaurant, just a cute little shop full to the brim of yummy goodies and delectable desserts! :) I have also decided that I really like the word delectable.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pudding Cups

I have just found a new love...Pudding cups!!! :) right now I am just chillin' doin' nothin, except enjoying this teeny cup of delectable chocolate. It is wonderful.  Thank you Timothy for helping me to see the light. Oh and listening to Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat breathily singing their song, Lucky. I have also decided that I love listening to music at random times of the day. yet I also love sitting and listening to the silence around me. (which usually involves the kitchen timer, the washer and/or dryer, trucks and tractors, cattle and the pitter patter of my nieces and nephews running rampant through the house.) Isn't silence a wonderful thing? I think that it is. It helps me to actually take in what is going on around me.

Monday, November 7, 2011

In Honor of McCall

Right now I am talking on the phone to Marleigh McCall Mathews. She literally makes my day ten  times better whenever we talk. We met this summer in good ol' Jakey Lakey!  We would stay up til the wee hours of the morning having girl talk, eating mnms and laughing our heads off. There may have been a bit more junk food that we consumed but mnms were always a must. :) I dont think that I have even had any mnms since Jakey Lakey...next time I am with McCall it is happening!!

Thankfully once we all left that wonderous place high in the mountains, nestled in the pines, we have stayed in contact and even gone on a few adventures together. The latest one was to Californ-I-A!! We traveled with some of our good friends from Jakey; Joe Day, Becca Feller and Daniel Feller. We went to Cali to see another friend with the name of Timothy Johnson.

While in Cali we hit up some fine food establishments, Del Taco and McDonalds...probably some of the most entertaining  dining that I have ever had the privelage of being a part of. If you ever go to Del Taco and dont know what to get...never fear I am going to give you a wonderful suggestion...for sure always go with the breakfast burrito with the random BBQ sauce on it...nothin better than that! As for McDonalds...c'mon were all americans, Im sure you all have been there and already know the best things to get.

For one of our days we spent it lounging on the beach, and going body surfing on the waves. Well...I lounged on the beach and everyone else went body surfing because I have this weird thing called.. 'the Fear of Water!' sounds scary I know...be glad that you dont suffer from it, it hinders your 'having fun' abilities. But I was dragged in by a Huge Man, who said I had to go in! So Rude, dont you agree?? ok....so it was really just Daniel and he didnt drag me in, but he did say that I had to go in. So he was kind enough to hold my hand and keep me upright throughout the entirety of the frightening ordeal. Waves broke over me! AAAAA!!! twas a wee bit scary...well...A LOT scary. But I survived. After lounging on the beach, and taking some pictures and getting fried we decided to head off to the tide pools. Seriously some of the coolest, funnest and prettiest areas that I have ever seen/been to. It was so fun! We kept finding little hermit crabs and star fish. McCall dearly loved to poke at the sea urchins and make them close up. Daniel decided that he saw an octupus but apparently the octopus only wanted to let Daniel see him cause it would never come out for any of us to see. Tim was wonderful enough to pose for some on-the-spot modeling pictures. they turned out quit nice. Afterwords we headed off to find somewhere to fill our empty tummies and then headed back to the houses and cleaned up. What happened next will shock and stupify you all!!! We got together, sat down and pulled out...........Apples to Apples!!!....help us all what were we thinking?? (I can hear all of you gasping in horror at this right now) What all went on that night I will never be able to describe. Just picture 6 tired, crazy, off-the-wall LDS young adults playing Apples to Apples and the possibilities of what happened just start flowing. Did we happen to all die of laughter when Rosie O'Donnell was thrown down and picked as the winner?? Yes, Yes we did. Were we laughing uproariously all night long til 2 in the am? Yep, we sure were. Finally we all crept to our beds (of course us girls had to have a little girl talk before that could happen.) And McCall and I may or may not have kept each other awake talking. and then laughing when we realized we were trying to share a body pillow and then McCall getting stuck on the side of the bed while trying in vain to locate her pillow. You may ask..did she ever retrieve her beloved pillow? After much laughter and not being able to move due to being stuck, she found it! and all was well again and she could scruch her pillow all she liked.

We all awoke bright and early on a beautiful Saturday morning in Cali and tore off to the wonderful Land of Disney! It was my first experience there...my first experience on a roller coaster...my first amusement park experience ever! HOLY COW IT WAS AMAZING!!! (I feel like I need a certain picture of Tim right here, doing his crazy, excited face) Basically one of the best days ever. There may have been a few times when I was so scared, startled, terrified that I couldnt breath, like on Califoria Screamin' and the Tower of Terror. I might have been holding onto Daniel for dear life on that ride..but I would never admit it..nope, not in a million years. Cause I am tough! hahaha ok so even I dont believe that right now...so quit laughing at me. Also I, me, Sheryl Saunders who is a chicken and doesnt like to be noticed when doing crazy things. I (and McCall, Joe, Daniel and Becca) danced in the middle of a random street area in California Adventure to crazy music with people all around...i believe that we were even recorded a few times. Crazy I know...you are all having a hard time picturing me dancing just for the fun of it in front of a million people i dont know but I did it!

Basically, what I am saying through all of this is that if you are going to California and want to have the best time Ever than be sure to take McCall, Joe, Becca, Daniel and Timothy with you. Basically the best and most amazing people in the world. Trust me. I know these things. Im just smart like that.

This Long Epistle/Novel is dedicated to Marleigh McCall Mathews, the one who got me to write my very first entry for my blog instead of just putting up more pictures. Love you Call! :)

ps.- Im sorry but all of the Amazingness that occured on this weekend was not able to be recorded because it was just so......Amazing that it couldnt be put into words.